Why you should install False Ceilings?

Sometimes we neglect False Ceilings in Construction but do you now these could add beauty. It is a modern trend. So, 

Why you should install False Ceilings?

Why you should install false ceilings?

  • If you have a high ceiling at home, these could add to the decor.
  • It can hide the wiring used in lighting.
  • To add the beauty you can use carvings on the higher ceilings.
  • It makes your room cozy & quiet as it has sound absorption quality.
  • It can also absorb heat too.


  • If False Ceilings can't be maintained properly then, it can become a home of pests & spiders.
  • If actual false ceilings of your home is not high then, don't add false ceilings as it could make your room smaller.


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