Know the difference between an Architecture and a Builder.

Well, people if you don’t know the difference between an architecture and a builder then must go on and know the difference.

Know the difference between an Architecture and a Builder.

So, they are both employed to design buildings even they share some of the common skills. But somehow how they both are different.

  • An architecture plan and remember the building keeping functions requirement.
  • And a builder executes and makes it a reality.

Let’s understand with it an example.

You are building a Home. And for this, you will need an architecture, a builder, an engineer.

An architecture will consider factors like- location, space, requirement, plans the layout, decide the external appearance. His work precedes the work of others.

Know the difference between an Architecture and a Builder.

Now the structural engineer will handle the work. He considers what will happen to the structure under its own weight.  He also determines the depth of the foundation and the type of foundation. He also prepares the detail drawing to describe every part of the structure.

Know the difference between an Architecture and a Builder.

The builder (also called contractor) will execute this entire thing.  He organizes everything from the purchasing of the material to manage the actual construction.

Know the difference between an Architecture and a Builder.

I think now you all will get to know what the difference is.


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